Bespoke Yoga in Darlington | Classes
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Our Class Timetable 

Yoga classes and workshops in Darlington

My classes offer opportunities to re-connect with yourself, prevent & reverse muscular pain & tension. My intention for you is to make instrumental changes so upon leaving class you greet the outside world feeling refreshed, balanced, calm, stronger both physically and mentally. Essentially I will guide you to form pathways to a new you, new body and experiences.

If you would like to book onto a class, you can email me, message via Facebook or send me a text 07974 677693. Classes run termly and need to be pre-booked.

What to bring to your yoga class

Advance booking is essential 

What to bring to your yoga class

Arrive 5 minutes before class

What to bring to your yoga class

Bring along water and your own mat








9am – 3pm

1:1 Private Client

 9am – 3pm

1:1 Private Client


Morning Yoga Class


1:1 Private Client

9am – 12pm

1:1 Private Client


Morning Yoga class


Somatic Yoga


1:1 Private Client


Yoga (All Abilities)


Live Zoom Class


Yoga (All Abilities)





What my students have to say

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