18 Apr Spring into life………
Spring is a time of transition, renewal, expansion and emergence perhaps you can sense new energy as its being released into trees, plants and flowers. After the dormant energy of winter we’re often drawn toward higher fat food, more protein, caffeine and sugar which in turn creates congestion and stagnation within our body and mind. We can quite literally come out of winter with a serious case of ‘brain fog’ creating mental clutter which usually includes a whole host of should’ve, could’ve, would’ve type conversations with ourselves. This type of negative self-chat can often lead to limiting self-beliefs, over and victim style thinking which we need to let go of.
Springtime naturally makes us feel more alive and it’s an optimal time to clear the clutter from your mind, body and your external enviornment. This Spring invite cleansing and detoxing into your life as you turn the heating off and open the windows letting in some of that fresh air. So what could you do to extend some of those positive feelings to your body and mind…..I have a few suggestions to share with you.
Firstly lets start with how you could promote a healthy gut cleanse, my dear friend and very knowledgeable nutrition guru shares some amazing tips on her website and I particularly like this blog on smoothie making:
Some of you maybe aware I committed to a 21 day Green Smoothie challenge for breakfast and I have to admit that the thought of just having liquid for breakfast felt untypical. However I embraced the challenge and I was supprised at how easily I adapted and how filling the smoothies were. Oh I ought to mention the side effects: healthier skin, eyes, healthier digestive system, way more energy with no more mid morning cravings! A positive outcome so much so I’m going to continue with my nourishing newly formed habit, why don’t you join me and check out the link above.
De-cluttering: There’s something about getting rid of the things we don’t need, don’t use, or don’t love that makes us feel both more energized and more peaceful. Think about the last time you had a good clear-out, did you notice how outer order creates an inner calm. Be mindful observe if you’re prone to holding too much info in your head, read too much, see too much anything that clutters you mind.
Here are a few more letting go micro tips :
- streamline your email inbox and unsubscribe from irrelevant subscriptions.
- keep a calendar of reminders and a to-do list. The more information you keep outside of your mind (in apps or calendars), the more decluttered and calm your mind will be.
- Watch what kind of clutter irritates you, letters, emails, toys, kitchen tops, bathroom products, awareness is the first step followed by ownership and action.
- When decluttering clothes etc ask yourself the following: 1. Does this item bring me joy, excitement? 2. What purpose does it serve or has it served it’s purpose in your life? 3. Could it bring joy to someone else?
Then lovingly let go with gratitude.
TIP Tackle one draw or wardrobe at a time not a full room, keep it manageable.
Meditation and powerful affirmations.
I often choose to meditate using questions and haven’t we all got so many questions to ask ourselves. I always find the answers come when I’m still and peaceful, here are some questions I propose you ask yourself this spring:
What would I like to re-awaken in my life?
What would I like to grow more of in my life?
What could I clear out of my mind that will allow me to be a calmer, centred, positive person?
Journaling is another way to gain clarity and receive answers, actually putting pen to paper really helps to clear out and give you a different perspective. You may not have realised how cluttered your insides have become until you start to articulate them.
Affirmations are a wonderful tool, use these this spring,
Now Take Action! when you clean your mind and spirit you clear out what doesn’t serve you in your life making room for what will, how exciting does that feel! Letting go can really brighten up your mind and spirit I encourage you all to smile your way through SPRING!
Lastly earlier in the year I received notification that my blogs were in the top 100 best UK Yoga blogs by feedspot, how cool is that..Thank you to all that read my blogs.
My intention as always is to evlove and grow and share with you all my tools to create happier, healthier mind, body and spirit.
Love & light Tara
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